This year’s presidential election is truly one that will be remembered through out history. Since the primaries there have been great diversities among the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party elected a women and an African American to run for the democratic nominee for president of the United States. Both would be great picks, but the votes were counted and Barack Obama a black man was elected as the democratic nominee for president of the United States of America. Obama an attorney by profession is in fact the best person for the job. He has served three years in Senate for the state of Illinois from 1997-2004. He has also taught constitutional at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992-2004 ( During his time in the Senate Obama has made a significant impact in Illinois in which he represented. Unfortunately he has had many hardships in his career and the race for the White House.
Obama has picked Joe Biden when Barack is elected Joe Biden will be the first vice-president to be a member of the Roman Catholic Church. Joe Biden who is a veteran is perfect for the job. He has spent many years in the Senate like Obama and cares for the American people. Biden became ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee in 1997 and served as chairman of the committee from 2001 to 2003 and from January 2007 to the present. He has served as chairman or ranking member of the Judiciary Committee for sixteen years. He is recognized as one of the nation's leading authorities on foreign policy, as well as one of its most influential voices on terrorism, drug policy, crime, and issues important to women. He has been a tireless advocate for working
families and has reached across the aisle to work with Republicans on tackling some of the greatest challenges facing Americans (Barack Biden has also been leading the fight to end genocide in Darfur, he was also one the first address the issue of global warming and he is also fighting to make it affordable for all Americans to get a college education if they wanted to by using tax codes to reduce the cost. Biden has been fight for our nation foe years and will continue to do so along side Obama when they are elected.
When the Democratic Party is sitting pretty in the White House the United States will justly take a turn for the best. The American people have had 8 years of broken promise with the Republican Party. When Bush took office in 2000 the federal government had a surplus, 8 years later federal deficit is at 10 trillion dollars in counting. With the United States population of 304,899,096 people, each person owes 33,709 dollars (USA with all gratitude going to Bush. Not only are the American people suffering from such a deficit, but they are also facing a resection. The united State has not seen such a resecion since leading to The Great Depression which is where the United States is heading if something drastic is not done soon! Since Bush has been in office there have been terrorist attacks in New York and in the nation’s capital. Gas prices are constantly raising, and the American people are losing their jobs and home daily. Foreclosures are at an all time high, big cooperation’s are closing or moving over seas. Banks are closing their doors or selling. Does any of this sound familiar? Not to forget the war in Iraq this has been going on for 7 of those 8 years that Bush has been in office with over
4,500 young American people died. Will Bush ever find the so-called weapons of mass distraction which he sent the troops looking for?
Obama plans to clean up clean up Bush’s mess by leading the American people out of this resecion by offering everyone that makes less then 200,000 a year a tax cut. That’s 95% of the American people. He also plans on fund projects which help in finding alternative fuels such as solar powered plants, and coal technologies. Barack plans to raise the middle class back to the middle class. Along with doing this he also has a plan to get the American troops out of Iraq and back home with their loved ones.
Obama was raised by a single mother and his grandparents in a middle class family. He was not rich; his mother worked two jobs to be ensured that he was sent to the best school and received the best education. While in college in Obama took many different jobs to help pay for his tuition. He believed in the American dream; with hard work and determination that one can achieve all of their goals become whatever they wanted no matter where they came from. Most importantly Obama never forgot where he came from in the morals that were besotted upon him. He understands what it is like to struggle to make ends meet to get a college education. He knows the feeling of watching his mother die of cancer and yet she had to battle the insurances companies. Obama will be the next president of the United States because genuinely knows what it mean to be an average American. Like many American Obama recognize what it is to me considered a
minority. As president he will set the example for all black man and show them that even if their fathers are absent parents, which should not keep them done. They are still able to rise and become whatever they want to be. Obama can relate to many Americans which is why he will make a superb president.
Obama major opponent in his race for the white house is John McCain of the Republican Party. McCain has many astonishing things for the American people. He served in the Vietnam War and nearly lost his life in the 1967 USS Forestalls fire. He was captured by the North Vietnamese, and imprisoned as a prisoner of war for 6 years, for his nation. For that Americans owe him a great deal. As for president of the United States, that is not the job for him. Besides his elder age he has made false accusation about Obama and has even try to end his race for the White House. Under McCain’s plan, 100 million Americans will not get a tax cut and at least 20 million Americans will risk losing their health insurance. We would have yet another president who plans to privatize Americans social security (New Journal 1a-7a). The only thing this plans leads to is the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer and the middle class falling into the lower class, which is already happening. John McCain has also agreed with Bush 90% of the time with all the mayhem he has cost. So if McCain is unintended place in office as Bush was then the American people should prepare themselves for the next depression.
When Obama and Biden are in the White house the Untied State will absolutely regain its status of being the greatest nation in the nation in the world. Americans will finally be able to go back to living their live, and working on their jobs. Of course most of the rich and wealth will be upset about not getting a tax cut but they will surely get over it. Obama is a great man and because he is a great man that is what will empower him to be a magnificent president. Obama is not too proud to seek out advice of experts including former president Clinton and his wife on how to handle the countries financial crisis before acting (News Journal 1a-7a). Obama is just like any other person trying to make the nation a better place. This is why beyond the shadow of doubt he will be the next president of the United States of America. That is if he is not killed by a hater. In closing the worlds of one of the greatest presidents “Barack represents America’s future and you have got to be there for him in the polls” Bill Clinton (News Journal 1a-7a)
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