The human immunodeficiency virus also known as HIV is spreading thorough out the world like wild fire. From the most under developed countries in Africa to most western countries like the United States. The epidemic is HIV is extremely upsetting, and unfortunately there is no cure. Only treatment is offered to those that are plagued with this virus. AIDS is the final stage of the virus and the most deadly. With the help of technology millions of people around the world are currently living with HIV. Recently scientist has finally discovered that this virus comes from monkeys, the question on the minds of many how dose a virus which comes from monkeys end up in humans? One of the many questions about AIDS that still has no answer. This contagion must be stopped! It has already gotten out of control with the amount of people dying from the virus.
The human immunodeficiency virus weakens ones capabilities to fight infections and other illness like cancer. For example when some one who has been diagnosed with HIV gets the common cold, it can kill them because their bodies are unable to fight a bacterium which has entered them. People that are diagnosed with HIV are not said to have AIDS until certain infections and or cancer. People have been known to die from HIV; however most of death from the virus comes from those who are diagnosed with AIDS, which has become very common in under developed countries because of the lack of treatment. The diagnosed of AIDS comes when some ones CD4 less then 200 which is determined by a doctor thru a blood test. CD4 is a part of the T-cell of white blood cells that make up part of the immune system. HIV attacks this cell and uses it to multiply, and make copies of the HIV.
HIV destroys the CD4, white blood cells. The main function of this cell is to protect our bodies from illness. When a persons CD4 levels drop to a low level, the body’s ability to fight to battle infections is gone. The human immunodeficiency virus is passed though humans bodily fluids such as blood, semen, fluids from the vagina, and breast milk. The virus can also be past though broken skin. (
In the late 80s early 90s the infirmity of AIDS was known by the United States public as an ailment of the male homosexual community. But only a few years went by when the public realized that affliction was not only in the homosexual community, it was also beginning to spread in the heterosexual community as well. 1991 NBA player Magic Johnson announced he had HIV the world was shock. Almost 20 he is still live and well. Today he speaks to people about living with HIV and how to protect themselves from the disease. Unlike Magic Johnson regrettably when west coast rapper Eazy E was diagnosed with HIV in 1992 he died 10 days, his virus was at the last stage which is AIDS, and it was too late for doctors to treat him. After the death of Eazy many people started taking precaution but HIV case are still raising each year. One of the main differences between Magic and Eazy is that Magic was diagnosed with HIV and Eazy had AIDS. Like Eazy many death is fate of many HIV victims mainly because there are two different strains of the drug. The first one drug resistant strain, which is the hardest to treat because the virus get immune to treatment very easily and the other type which is the most common is the drug sensitive strain. With treatment someone with this strain can live a longer life.
Most people who are infected with HIV are infected with what is called “wild type” which is sensitive to nearly all drugs. Sorrowfully some new cases are those who are infected with HIV that is already resistant to drugs. About 2%-4% of new HIV cases documented in the United States are those with the multidrug resistant of HIV. The very interesting yet scary fact about is that if you have sexual intercourse with someone that is in the late stages of HIV then the virus that enters their body will also be in the late stages. This virus is a very smart which is why one may think that it was made by the government. This fact allow is frighten, and yet millions of people are still not protecting themselves from this malady. Not to mention the high cost of treatment for the many people living with HIV. It cost about 9000 to 10000 dollars per year for HIV treatments. Not including the many doctor visits. About 30% of the people living with HIV gets their medications from state run programs drug assistant programs. Many of the people living with HIV are those of the lower class and can not afford to buy their medications on their own. Patients living with HIV usually have to change their drug regimens every 7 years. Treatment for HIV is very limited once the virus becomes resistant to drugs. Some treatments for HIV are antiretroviral therapy which suppresses the replication of the virus. Antiretroviral is a combination of several antiretroviral agents. HAART therapy is also highly effective in reducing the number of HIV particles in the blood stream, which is measured by a test known as the viral load. HAART is not a cure for HIV. People taking it can still pass the virus at any time. Sadly like all the other drugs offered
to those living their daily lives with HIV, the virus can become resistant HAART if patients do not do not constantly take their treatment on time each day. Because HAART is a combination of many drugs each having their own side effects like fatigue, dizziness, and depression this also rises concern for patients. Patients are usually on a twice a pill regiment but some take it only once a day. With out treatment HIV is always fatal. A mother with HIV has a 25% chance of passing HIV to their unborn child. To a child who is born with HIV one has great sorrow for because they did nothing wrong but must live with this infection for the rest of their lives.
Today black people in the United States accounts for more then 60% of the HIV diagnoses, followed by white people at about 30% Hispanics at about 15% and lastly the Asian people at only 1%. HIV is the leading cause of death for people between the ages of 25-44. Most of the cases of HIV comes from the state of New York, which the number state for people living with the virus. Followed by California at the second highest and Florida as the third. ( People living in these citied must take extra care when have unprotected sex. In Florida studies have shown that out of 3 has an STD or have had an STD and might not know about. The younger generation people this is very hard to handle.
In the world 33.3 million people are living with HIV. Every day 6800 people become infected with HIV, which are about 5 people per minute. Regrettably 5770 people die from AIDS daily, and one child dies every 60 seconds from AIDS. About 15 million children become orphans because they lose their parents to AIDS. In the United States about 1 million people are living with AIDS, and 24000 have lost their lives because of AIDS. At least 40000 people are diagnosed with AIDS each year. (
With all these facts written in plain English why are people doing more to protect themselves? Why are AIDS cases continuing to rise? Thousands of people have HIV and do not know that they have. Anyone who is sexually active must get test, and have their partners tested as well that’s the only way to stop this plague. It is very easy to get tested some places do not even need to take a blood sample, and other places can give you the results instantly. There is no reason why every one should not get tested…. It can save your life.