Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Sad Facts of HIV

The human immunodeficiency virus also known as HIV is spreading thorough out the world like wild fire. From the most under developed countries in Africa to most western countries like the United States. The epidemic is HIV is extremely upsetting, and unfortunately there is no cure. Only treatment is offered to those that are plagued with this virus. AIDS is the final stage of the virus and the most deadly. With the help of technology millions of people around the world are currently living with HIV. Recently scientist has finally discovered that this virus comes from monkeys, the question on the minds of many how dose a virus which comes from monkeys end up in humans? One of the many questions about AIDS that still has no answer. This contagion must be stopped! It has already gotten out of control with the amount of people dying from the virus.

The human immunodeficiency virus weakens ones capabilities to fight infections and other illness like cancer. For example when some one who has been diagnosed with HIV gets the common cold, it can kill them because their bodies are unable to fight a bacterium which has entered them. People that are diagnosed with HIV are not said to have AIDS until certain infections and or cancer. People have been known to die from HIV; however most of death from the virus comes from those who are diagnosed with AIDS, which has become very common in under developed countries because of the lack of treatment. The diagnosed of AIDS comes when some ones CD4 less then 200 which is determined by a doctor thru a blood test. CD4 is a part of the T-cell of white blood cells that make up part of the immune system. HIV attacks this cell and uses it to multiply, and make copies of the HIV.

HIV destroys the CD4, white blood cells. The main function of this cell is to protect our bodies from illness. When a persons CD4 levels drop to a low level, the body’s ability to fight to battle infections is gone. The human immunodeficiency virus is passed though humans bodily fluids such as blood, semen, fluids from the vagina, and breast milk. The virus can also be past though broken skin. (

In the late 80s early 90s the infirmity of AIDS was known by the United States public as an ailment of the male homosexual community. But only a few years went by when the public realized that affliction was not only in the homosexual community, it was also beginning to spread in the heterosexual community as well. 1991 NBA player Magic Johnson announced he had HIV the world was shock. Almost 20 he is still live and well. Today he speaks to people about living with HIV and how to protect themselves from the disease. Unlike Magic Johnson regrettably when west coast rapper Eazy E was diagnosed with HIV in 1992 he died 10 days, his virus was at the last stage which is AIDS, and it was too late for doctors to treat him. After the death of Eazy many people started taking precaution but HIV case are still raising each year. One of the main differences between Magic and Eazy is that Magic was diagnosed with HIV and Eazy had AIDS. Like Eazy many death is fate of many HIV victims mainly because there are two different strains of the drug. The first one drug resistant strain, which is the hardest to treat because the virus get immune to treatment very easily and the other type which is the most common is the drug sensitive strain. With treatment someone with this strain can live a longer life.

Most people who are infected with HIV are infected with what is called “wild type” which is sensitive to nearly all drugs. Sorrowfully some new cases are those who are infected with HIV that is already resistant to drugs. About 2%-4% of new HIV cases documented in the United States are those with the multidrug resistant of HIV. The very interesting yet scary fact about is that if you have sexual intercourse with someone that is in the late stages of HIV then the virus that enters their body will also be in the late stages. This virus is a very smart which is why one may think that it was made by the government. This fact allow is frighten, and yet millions of people are still not protecting themselves from this malady. Not to mention the high cost of treatment for the many people living with HIV. It cost about 9000 to 10000 dollars per year for HIV treatments. Not including the many doctor visits. About 30% of the people living with HIV gets their medications from state run programs drug assistant programs. Many of the people living with HIV are those of the lower class and can not afford to buy their medications on their own. Patients living with HIV usually have to change their drug regimens every 7 years. Treatment for HIV is very limited once the virus becomes resistant to drugs. Some treatments for HIV are antiretroviral therapy which suppresses the replication of the virus. Antiretroviral is a combination of several antiretroviral agents. HAART therapy is also highly effective in reducing the number of HIV particles in the blood stream, which is measured by a test known as the viral load. HAART is not a cure for HIV. People taking it can still pass the virus at any time. Sadly like all the other drugs offered

to those living their daily lives with HIV, the virus can become resistant HAART if patients do not do not constantly take their treatment on time each day. Because HAART is a combination of many drugs each having their own side effects like fatigue, dizziness, and depression this also rises concern for patients. Patients are usually on a twice a pill regiment but some take it only once a day. With out treatment HIV is always fatal. A mother with HIV has a 25% chance of passing HIV to their unborn child. To a child who is born with HIV one has great sorrow for because they did nothing wrong but must live with this infection for the rest of their lives.

Today black people in the United States accounts for more then 60% of the HIV diagnoses, followed by white people at about 30% Hispanics at about 15% and lastly the Asian people at only 1%. HIV is the leading cause of death for people between the ages of 25-44. Most of the cases of HIV comes from the state of New York, which the number state for people living with the virus. Followed by California at the second highest and Florida as the third. ( People living in these citied must take extra care when have unprotected sex. In Florida studies have shown that out of 3 has an STD or have had an STD and might not know about. The younger generation people this is very hard to handle.

In the world 33.3 million people are living with HIV. Every day 6800 people become infected with HIV, which are about 5 people per minute. Regrettably 5770 people die from AIDS daily, and one child dies every 60 seconds from AIDS. About 15 million children become orphans because they lose their parents to AIDS. In the United States about 1 million people are living with AIDS, and 24000 have lost their lives because of AIDS. At least 40000 people are diagnosed with AIDS each year. (

With all these facts written in plain English why are people doing more to protect themselves? Why are AIDS cases continuing to rise? Thousands of people have HIV and do not know that they have. Anyone who is sexually active must get test, and have their partners tested as well that’s the only way to stop this plague. It is very easy to get tested some places do not even need to take a blood sample, and other places can give you the results instantly. There is no reason why every one should not get tested…. It can save your life.

Four girls killed in church by the Klan
How old were the girls when they died
Before the retail in 01, the first trail had a jury of all whites
The people who boomed the church was not sent to jail until 2001

Why did it take so long for the families to get justice
This was not the first nor last booming by the Klan

Did the boomers know they were killing kids

Directed by Spike Lee
Chris McNair also killed
MLK gave eulogy
How do they feel about the hole thing

Spike Lee was a wonderful advocate for these young girls and their families. the men that boomed the church were barefaced and had no fear for the place of God or for human life. I am very glad that after all the since this happen these craven men were brought to justice.

Obama is President!!!!!!!!!!

This year’s presidential election is truly one that will be remembered through out history. Since the primaries there have been great diversities among the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party elected a women and an African American to run for the democratic nominee for president of the United States. Both would be great picks, but the votes were counted and Barack Obama a black man was elected as the democratic nominee for president of the United States of America. Obama an attorney by profession is in fact the best person for the job. He has served three years in Senate for the state of Illinois from 1997-2004. He has also taught constitutional at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992-2004 ( During his time in the Senate Obama has made a significant impact in Illinois in which he represented. Unfortunately he has had many hardships in his career and the race for the White House.
Obama has picked Joe Biden when Barack is elected Joe Biden will be the first vice-president to be a member of the Roman Catholic Church. Joe Biden who is a veteran is perfect for the job. He has spent many years in the Senate like Obama and cares for the American people. Biden became ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee in 1997 and served as chairman of the committee from 2001 to 2003 and from January 2007 to the present. He has served as chairman or ranking member of the Judiciary Committee for sixteen years. He is recognized as one of the nation's leading authorities on foreign policy, as well as one of its most influential voices on terrorism, drug policy, crime, and issues important to women. He has been a tireless advocate for working
families and has reached across the aisle to work with Republicans on tackling some of the greatest challenges facing Americans (Barack Biden has also been leading the fight to end genocide in Darfur, he was also one the first address the issue of global warming and he is also fighting to make it affordable for all Americans to get a college education if they wanted to by using tax codes to reduce the cost. Biden has been fight for our nation foe years and will continue to do so along side Obama when they are elected.
When the Democratic Party is sitting pretty in the White House the United States will justly take a turn for the best. The American people have had 8 years of broken promise with the Republican Party. When Bush took office in 2000 the federal government had a surplus, 8 years later federal deficit is at 10 trillion dollars in counting. With the United States population of 304,899,096 people, each person owes 33,709 dollars (USA with all gratitude going to Bush. Not only are the American people suffering from such a deficit, but they are also facing a resection. The united State has not seen such a resecion since leading to The Great Depression which is where the United States is heading if something drastic is not done soon! Since Bush has been in office there have been terrorist attacks in New York and in the nation’s capital. Gas prices are constantly raising, and the American people are losing their jobs and home daily. Foreclosures are at an all time high, big cooperation’s are closing or moving over seas. Banks are closing their doors or selling. Does any of this sound familiar? Not to forget the war in Iraq this has been going on for 7 of those 8 years that Bush has been in office with over

4,500 young American people died. Will Bush ever find the so-called weapons of mass distraction which he sent the troops looking for?
Obama plans to clean up clean up Bush’s mess by leading the American people out of this resecion by offering everyone that makes less then 200,000 a year a tax cut. That’s 95% of the American people. He also plans on fund projects which help in finding alternative fuels such as solar powered plants, and coal technologies. Barack plans to raise the middle class back to the middle class. Along with doing this he also has a plan to get the American troops out of Iraq and back home with their loved ones.
Obama was raised by a single mother and his grandparents in a middle class family. He was not rich; his mother worked two jobs to be ensured that he was sent to the best school and received the best education. While in college in Obama took many different jobs to help pay for his tuition. He believed in the American dream; with hard work and determination that one can achieve all of their goals become whatever they wanted no matter where they came from. Most importantly Obama never forgot where he came from in the morals that were besotted upon him. He understands what it is like to struggle to make ends meet to get a college education. He knows the feeling of watching his mother die of cancer and yet she had to battle the insurances companies. Obama will be the next president of the United States because genuinely knows what it mean to be an average American. Like many American Obama recognize what it is to me considered a

minority. As president he will set the example for all black man and show them that even if their fathers are absent parents, which should not keep them done. They are still able to rise and become whatever they want to be. Obama can relate to many Americans which is why he will make a superb president.
Obama major opponent in his race for the white house is John McCain of the Republican Party. McCain has many astonishing things for the American people. He served in the Vietnam War and nearly lost his life in the 1967 USS Forestalls fire. He was captured by the North Vietnamese, and imprisoned as a prisoner of war for 6 years, for his nation. For that Americans owe him a great deal. As for president of the United States, that is not the job for him. Besides his elder age he has made false accusation about Obama and has even try to end his race for the White House. Under McCain’s plan, 100 million Americans will not get a tax cut and at least 20 million Americans will risk losing their health insurance. We would have yet another president who plans to privatize Americans social security (New Journal 1a-7a). The only thing this plans leads to is the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer and the middle class falling into the lower class, which is already happening. John McCain has also agreed with Bush 90% of the time with all the mayhem he has cost. So if McCain is unintended place in office as Bush was then the American people should prepare themselves for the next depression.

When Obama and Biden are in the White house the Untied State will absolutely regain its status of being the greatest nation in the nation in the world. Americans will finally be able to go back to living their live, and working on their jobs. Of course most of the rich and wealth will be upset about not getting a tax cut but they will surely get over it. Obama is a great man and because he is a great man that is what will empower him to be a magnificent president. Obama is not too proud to seek out advice of experts including former president Clinton and his wife on how to handle the countries financial crisis before acting (News Journal 1a-7a). Obama is just like any other person trying to make the nation a better place. This is why beyond the shadow of doubt he will be the next president of the United States of America. That is if he is not killed by a hater. In closing the worlds of one of the greatest presidents “Barack represents America’s future and you have got to be there for him in the polls” Bill Clinton (News Journal 1a-7a)

The Truth About Hemp

Marijuana, made from cannabis which is made from the hemp plant has been a part of society for centuries. There are even references made about the plant in The Bible. However, the American government has deemed the hemp plant harmful and illegalized it. A study conducted by a doctor at the University of Iowa states that 70 million have tried marijuana and 11 million Americans have been arrested for cannabis related charges. With all the information gathered by research stating that marijuana is not harmful, why hasn't marijuana been legalized? The cannabis plant, which is used for medical purposes, has been used by millions of doctors around the world for millions of years. Studies have shown that over the years the hemp plant can be used for migraines, muscle spasms, asthma, chronic pain, and depression. Marijuana is not as harmful as people think it is. Marcella Copeland, a fifty year old woman was diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago. To help cope with the pain and stress of chemotherapy, she started using the cannabis plant. She would inhale the smoke of about a teaspoons of marijuana before going into chemotherapy and her doctor stated that after doing this her body was more relaxed thus relaxing her muscles very much. After battling this issue for five years of her life and overcoming it, Marcella states that she will continue using the hemp plant. It is very arguable that if lawmakers would legalize the industrialization of the hemp plant in America it would allow many people to live a healthier life without prescription drugs that offered with many side effects and of course the risk of overdose. Tobacco kills more people in America than accidents, cocaine, heroin, alcohol, AIDS, and all other terminal diseased combined. Marijuana has killed none. With this proven to be true, why is hemp illegal and tobacco isn't even regulated? Hemp is a non addictive safe and effective way to deal with lots of illnesses and can even lead to a breakthrough in medicine. The cannabis plant is not only used for medicine purposes but can also be used for many things. For centuries people have used the hemp plant to make paper, sails for boats, clothing, and rope. The hemp plant can also be used as fuel this fuel can be used anyway that petroleum is used. The hemp plants can almost eliminate the use of one of our natural recourses that is depleting. Our first president Mr. George Washington planted hemp on Mount Vernon so Americans would have to depend on other countries for these viable resources. George Washington, a founder of our country understood the importance of this plant. Another point that our lawmakers fail to understand is that cannabis can also help our environment. If paper was made from cannabis less trees would have to be cut down saving forests from being destroyed. The United States constitution was written on paper made from hemp. Our government and society should spend more time in research into the hemp plant before declaring it harmful. One may understand the government’s position stating that cannabis has terrible effects on people such as an impaired judgment while driving and mental illness. But why not conduct our own research instead of going that of the Mexican government. Cannabis was not vied as harmful until the nineteen thirties when an article was written by a Mexican man stating that marijuana drove a family of five insane. This is truly a form of yellow journalism. Since then, many Americans have believed cannabis to be harmful. Current research conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health states that marijuana may actually protect brain cells. One of our greatest presidents has experimented with cannabis. Unlike the other presidents who have been accused of trying cannabis, President John F. Kennedy once told the public about his trial of cannabis. He was completely honest on the matter even if he did not condone it. In the years to come, I aver that the advocates of marijuana will overcome their oppositions. I don’t believe marijuana will be completely legalized but I believe it should at least be legalized in a regulated way or the users of it should not have to worry about jail time. I hope the American government will soon have a great understanding of all the purposes of the cannabis hemp plant. With hope, new researchers may get more grants to conduct more researches on the hemp seed which studies have shown can become a major world food. No other single plant has as much nutritional value as the cannabis hemp seed. I see great things in store for cannabis

Dust Tracks on a Road

Chapters 1-5 in the Zora Hurston’s Dust Tracks in the Road was very interesting. I have read many her other stories, but I most say this is my least favorite. In the first couple of chapters I feel that she was too explicit in sharing the trials and tribulations of her parents, and their past before she was born. She should have used these chapters to allow her readers to go a little deeper into her thoughts about her childhood. Nevertheless I am still extremely fawn of her and her writing.
This story started to grab my attention many times during the 5th chapter. I found my self wanting to read on. In this chapter Zora allows her reader to go inside her head, and in her inner most feeling which she was having at the time. This is the time in Zora childhood in which she started to be somewhat less complaisant to her parents. She recalls listening in on scarps of gossip, which she had no business listening to. This remains me of my younger years when I would do the same thing to my teenage sisters. I also enjoyed this chapter very much because she told stories of God and the bible. My favorite lines of the story so far comes from this chapter when she writes, “I do not think that her lonesomeness would have come down on her as it did, if I had not found a cake of pear’s scented soap. It was clear like Amber glass. I could see straight through it. It delighted my sense just as much as the tender green corn shuck.” Just in these few line Zora uses many different elements of literature which is way I like it so much. In this chapter Zora begins burgeon into a very nice young lady. She also mentions The Pendir a story which she is writing.

Sadly chapter 6 starts out with her mother being very sick, and dies later. During this chapter she also speaks of her vision. She sees herself leaving the village home and bowed down with grief. She also speaks of traveling to Jacksonville where for the first time she felt what it was like to be a colored girl, which she didn’t feel in Eatonville. She also speaks of seeing her mother in this chapter.

I aver that Chapter 5 and 6 is the best of the 8 that I read. I was able to relate to many of her thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately I do not see myself recommending this book to anyone.